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Prokaryotes are highly distinguished from Eukaryotes, mainly on the basis of their nucleus type. As the word itself suggest that Pro means Primitive and Karyon means Nucleus, while Eu means Specialized and Karyon means Nucleus. Hence, Eukaryotes are more equipped than Prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are mainly found between  1-10 µ and Eukaryotes between 5-100 µ. Prokaryotes mainly have a poorly defined nuclear region with only nucleic acids called a Nucleoid and lack a nuclear membrane too. On the contrary, Eukaryotes have a well defined nucleus with a clear nuclear membrane. Also, The being primitive, prokaryotes have one strand of chromosomes while Eukaryotes have many (46). Prokaryotes also lack a lot of cell organalls. The ribosomes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are 70's and 80's respectively. Also, photosynthetic prokaryotes have membranous vesicles for synthesis food, unlike Eukaryotic Plants that perform it with Chlorophyll.