Case 1
Name: Marta Garcia
Age: 26
Charge: Possession of crack cocaine
Residence: 619 30th Street; lives alone; no family or references.
Employment: Unemployed
Education: 11th grade
Criminal record: As a juvenile, five arrests, mostly misdemeanors. As an adult, two arrests for petty larceny and a conviction for possession of dangerous drugs. Probation was successfully completed.
Comment: Arrested while leaving a train station with a large quantity of crack cocaine. Urine test indicates use of narcotics.
Decision on the case: pretrial detention (no release).
Case 2
Name: Gloria Hardy
Age: 23
Charge: Prostitution
Residence: 130 Riverside Drive, Apt. 10; lives with female roommates.
Employment: Call girl; earns $2,500 per week.
Education: Completed high school.
Criminal record: Five arrests for prostitution, two convictions. Currently on probation.
Comment: Allegedly involved in prostitution catering to wealthy clients.
Decision on the case: bail (release after $25,000 is paid)