Plagiarism Hohor Statemeht

I understand that plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and
passing them off as one's own. It includes copying someone else's paper and/or works cited
in part or in whole, copying directly from a website without quotation marks and/or
citations, and/or paraphrasing too close to the original. Can some one tell me a good paraphrase for this statement

Plagiarism Hohor Statemeht I understand that plagiarism is the practice of taking someone elses work or ideas and passing them off as ones own It includes copyi class=

Respuesta :


I am fully aware that plagiarism is taking credit for others work. This includes, copying a different persons paper or works cited, as well as copying and pasting without paraphrases or proof that the work isn't my own.


Plagiarism is the process of mimicking another's work or thoughts while passing them off as your own without proper citations stating that it is in fact not your work, but whoever wrote it's work.