For question 6 start with something like: above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, by, in, inside, near, on, outside, over, through, toward, under, up, and within
8 ways that a comma could be used for
Example 1: Monday, January 2nd
Example 2: Santander, Spain
Example 3: Hi, how are you today?
Example 4: “I told you to rinse the dishes in the sink because you tend to let milk dry,” she yelled from the kitchen to his office.
Example 5: The bearded man, Ron Swanson, stores bacon in various parts of his office.
Example 6: When I was younger, I had a cat named Whiskers the Magical Cat. He went by DC for Danger Cat though
Example 7: I hate me job, yet I cannot leave it because it pays the bills
Example 8: Growing up I had goats, chickens, turkeys, and geese