New ideas themselves had the biggest impact on the success of Martin Luther's ideas during the Protestant Reformation. Source A states,
"Since time immemorial, such men had spoken for God and for the state. But Luther defied them, humbly but boldly, in a
watershed moment in world history. Those of us in the west have lived on the far side of it ever since." This is important because...

Historical context had the biggest impact on the success of Martin Luther's ideas during the Protestant Reformation. Source B states, **
Luther says, "it is obvious that God attaches great importance to obedience to parents. And where it is not found, there can be
neither good morals nor good government. For where obedience is lacking in the family, no city or principality or kingdom can be
well-govemed. Family government is the basis of all other government, and where the root is bad, the trunk and the fruit can not
be good.." This is important because..

Martin Luther's persona had the biggest impact on the success of Martin Luther's ideas during the Protestant Reformation. Source A
states. The grace of God be with you in all its fulness and power! Spare me. Most Reverend Father in Christ and Most Illustrious
Prince, that I, the dregs of humanity, have so much boldness that I have dared to think of a letter to the height of your Sublimity.."
This is important because