Lemming Loophole (Loophole), a lawyer, has a lot of turmoil in his life. The day started off pretty well. He awoke to the sound of a lawn mower who was mistakenly mowing his lawn and the lawn of a neighbor (mistakenly). The young man was sure surprised when he knocked on Loophole’s door to get paid and Loophole laughingly advised him of his mistake. The neighbor was out of town, but certainly must have appreciated the free lawn care.
Other events were more troubling. His son, Little Loophole (LL) has returned from a year abroad, and has developed some bad habits. LL is now using “magic mushroom” and chain smoking unfiltered Italian cigarettes. Loophole strikes a bargain with LL: give up the mushrooms and cigarettes and Loophole with buy LL a Porsche Doxster S for LL’s 22nd birthday. LL reformed, and the birthday has come – Loophole refuses to pay up.
Finally, his eccentric, wealthy mother Granny Loophole is 92 and starting to mentally decline. Grandma has always been impulsive, but now she has a huge crush on her C.P.A., and has changed her will, leaving the C.P.A. her valuable lake front property. Loophole doesn’t know what involvement the C.P.A. has had. Loophole is suspicious. The C.P.A. seems very nice to Granny and frequently brings her cookies and ice cream. Discuss and decide.
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