Respuesta :


Artesanía se refiere al trabajo de un artesano o artesana (normalmente realizado de forma manual por una persona, sin el auxilio de maquinaria o automatizaciones), como al objeto o producto obtenido en el que cada pieza es distinta a las demás.


Pienso que es eso, espero que te ayude

Answer: It is not a type of art, but a type of well.


An artesian well is that type of spring or well that communicates with a captive aquifer containing groundwater under positive pressure.

We will speak of an upwelling artesian well when the confined liquid rises above the surface of the ground in a natural way until it reaches a level almost equivalent to that of the feeding point of the captive layer, being reduced due to the pressure drop.

In the Sahara desert artesian wells were used to feed oases.
