
Do you believe that there are too many lawsuits in the United States? If so, do you place more blame for the problem on lawyers or on individuals who go to court? Is there anything that would help the problem, or will we always have large numbers of lawsuits?

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Probably most of us believe that there are too many lawsuits in the US until we may need to file a lawsuit. American judicial system is not perfect, nor its society, political or even economic systems are perfect. But they are better than anyone else's.

A few years ago, a subsidiary of Lufthansa had a plane crash where the copilot (who had been previously diagnosed as mentally ill) deliberately crashed the plan because he wanted to be famous. And the company knew about it, but since he accepted a very low salary, he continued to fly. In Europe Lufthansa couldn't be sued and they were only forced to pay a small amount of money to the families of the deceased passengers. It was only the amount that the insurance company covered.

Another example, when Volkswagen cheated on fuel emissions, they had to pay billions in the US, a few hundred millions in Brazil (where less than 20,000 cars using diesel engines were sold), but what happened in Europe? Some people are still trying to take Volkswagen to court in Europe and they haven't been very successful and eventually they will either lose or the case will be dismissed. A little over 100,000 cars with cheating software were sold in America, while millions were sold in Europe, but there legal system is not very friendly to lawsuits against corporations.

Imagine that you suffer do to a defective product. Shouldn't you be allowed to a fair compensation or even a compensation that covers your losses or related expenses?

Yes, there are far too many lawsuits in America, and far too many people waiting to be burnt by a McDonald's coffee cup. But that is my opinion because I'm fine right now and do not need to file a lawsuit. But if I needed to do so, then my answer would be no. I would try to fight for my rights.

Another example, pharmaceutical companies that actively market opioid drugs and then do not understand why people end up being addicted to them.

Laws must exist to protect the most vulnerable, and corporations are never the most vulnerable. When a lawsuit is made against a corporation, the battle is uphill and the corporation's odds of winning are much greater. Even though abuses might exist, it is always better to allow a small amount of evil in order for a much larger good to prevail.

Think about the gun or pharmaceutical industries that have successfully blocked any legal efforts that try to make them responsible for the abuses committed using their products. Is that the greater good? Millions are suffering but they only get richer. It is much easier for a multi-billion industry to change laws than it is for an average person to defend his/her rights.