1. What was the Great Depression? When did it occur? What events caused it? When did it end?
2. What was Black Thursday?
3. What problems did the Great Depression create?
4. How did people manage during this time?
5. What is the New Deal? Who created it and why is it significant? 
6.  Look at the Oral Histories and share one or two stories to give us a feel for life during the 1930's. 

Respuesta :

1. The great depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place during the 1930's

2. Black Thursday is the name given to Thursday, Oct. 24th, 1929, when Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 11% at the open in very heavy volume.
3.  The Great Depression created economic problems worldwide
4.  People with jobs survived with little to no money profits.
5. The New deal was the set of federal programs launched by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after taking office in 1933.  It was important because it provided people with safer jobs, more jobs, and to help the country avoid another depression.

6.  I do not have a clue you could possibly look this one up.