IF U HAVE READ OLD YELLER PLZ HELP 1. How are things going to change for Old Yeller after chapter 5? 2. As far as Travis’s reaction to what was happening, what is different between chapter 4 and chapter 5?

Respuesta :


in chapter 4 Travis claims that a few days later he has another reason to get rid of Old Yeller. Two range bulls are bellering at each other from a ways off, trying to start a fight. Each bull is coming from an opposite side of the house. Travis listens to them and decides he wants to see the bulls fight.

In chapter 5 Travis tells of how Little Arliss always catches and keeps "every living thing that ran, flew, jumped or crawled." Because of this, Mama always makes him empty his pockets at night. In his pockets he has had everything from grasshoppers and toads to bugs and even a copperhead snake that scare Mama. After that Mama made Travis teach Little Arliss how to kill snakes. After Old Yeller came, however, Little Arliss started bringing home even bigger game such as rabbits and birds. Old Yeller would catch the game and then give it to Little Arliss and he would tell Mama he caught it himself. Travis tells of the time Little Arliss grabs a fish that Old Yeller caught. The fish stabs Little Arliss with a fin but even though he is in pain Little Arliss won't let go of the fish.
