The next step is:
Performing an experiment
The scientific process is the series of processes that people can use to gather knowledge about the world around them, improve that knowledge, and through the gaining of knowledge, attempt to explain why and/or how things occur. The scientific process includes:
- Making observations: the scientist first notices a phenomenon of interest that is occurring. This initiates the need to investigate
- Asking questions (gathering evidence): based on observations made, questions as to why, or how the things that occur do occur are asked.
- Hypothesis forming(establishing scientific facts): This is making a scientific guess as to answering the questions in the previous steps
- Performing an experiment: This refers to putting the hypothesis that has been formed to test, to determine if they are valid or not.
- analyzing data: After the results of experiments are gotten, the data in these results are interpreted to either validate or invalidate the hypothesis.
- Making conclusion: This is the final step, and it involves establishing a validity or invalidity statement, based on multiple experiments with a large group of data.