Know that Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx are considered the three great classical sociologists. Know that each of these three early theorists was alive in the 1800s and preoccupied with studying and explaining the enormous social changes going on Western Europe as a result of the Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-eighteenth century. This long process of change that society was undergoing is known as modernization?

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Answer:  Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx had different theories about Modernization.

Explanation: Modernization is the process began with the Enlightenment and the industrial Revolution. Modernization involved various aspects of people moving from the countryside to cities, working in factories rather than on farms, and capitalists owning the means of production. These sociologists examined the changes to society using terms such as: commodification, social cohesion, differentiation, stratification, and rationality to explain the effects on people's lives and how they interacted with one another and made a living.