List and describe some major changes that were brought about by the Muslims in the social and cultural traditions of the subcontinent. PLEASE ANSWER QUICK IN AND EASY WORDS

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Some major changes that were brought about by the Muslims in the social and cultural traditions of the subcontinent are:

1. Children: Islam rejected the idea that children are Properties of their fathers, which is contrary to the practices in the pre-islamic period among Arabs.

2. Issue of blood fued: pre-islamic period encourages eye for an eye punishment, and can even be extended to relatives of culprit. However, Islam encourages monetary compensation inncase disputes or criminal offense arises.

3. Issue of Slavery: pre-islamic period among the Arabs, made the issue of slavery to be cruel and unjust, however, with the Islam, Slaves are given a legal status, as well as having certain rights to heir masters.

4. Issue of Marriage: unlike the pre-islamic period, where men are allowed to marry many wives, and have concubines as much as they want, Islam, however, limits the number of wives a man can marry to four.

Therefore, one change that was the most lasting/permanent and can still be seen around even today is: Marriage.

Marriage: in the pre-islamic period, it is believed that, among Arabs, men can marry as many wives as they so want, unlike, after the formation of Islam, men can only marry maximum of four wives, among the Muslims. This practice is still in existing today, and it is widely popular.