The boxes in the basement need to be brought upstairs.

A. The boxes

B. in the basement

C. brought upstairs

D. need to be

2. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase?

Terry gave his brother his collection of baseball cards.

A. Terry gave

B. of baseball cards

C. his brother

D. his collection

3. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase?

Changes in air temperature can affect Bella's songs.

A. can affect

B. Bella's songs

C. Changes in

D. in air temperature

3. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase?

Changes in air temperature can affect Bella's songs.

A. can affect

B. Bella's songs

C. Changes in

D. in air temperature

4. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase?

What types of flowers are her favorite?

A. types of

B. of flowers

C. are her favorite

D. What types

5. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase? Which word does the adjective phrase modify?

Bees produce roughly a million tons of honey each year.

A. each year; modifies produce

B. of honey; modifies tons

C. a million tons; modifies honey

D. of honey; modifies year

6. Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase? Which word does the adjective phrase modify?

Do you know where I put the bottle of laundry detergent?

A. where I put; modifies bottle

B. of laundry detergent; modifies bottle

C. Do you know; modifies where

D. the bottle; modifies detergent

7. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase?

When the weather is warm, we find all kinds of insects throughout our house.

A. throughout our house

B. we find

C. When the weather

D. of insects

8. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase?

Bees make honey from pollen and nectar.

A. honey from

B. from pollen and nectar

C. Bees make

D. make honey

9. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase?

Armies of termites can eat away an entire wooden structure within a short time.

A. away an entire wooden structure

B. within a short time

C. of termites

D. can eat

10. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase?

The famous chef prepared a delicious meal in the tiny kitchen.

A. in the tiny kitchen

B. delicious meal

C. prepared a

D. The famous chef

11. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase? Which word does the adverb phrase modify?

We sometimes see bats after sunset.

A. after sunset; modifies bats

B. see bats; modifies We

C. after sunset; modifies see

D. We sometimes; modifies see

12. Which words in the sentence make up the adverb phrase? Which words do the adverb phrase modify?

The blue shark can swim up to 25 miles per hour through the water.

A. through the water; modifies 25 miles per hour

B. can swim; modifies The blue shark

C. through the water; modifies can swim

D. up to 25 miles per hour; modifies through the water
13. Which word in the sentence is the appositive?

My favorite flavor of ice cream, peppermint, was out of stock.

A. peppermint

B. favorite

C. flavor

D. stock

14. Which words in the sentence make up the appositive phrase?

There is a sale happening now for a popular holiday gift, tablet computers.

A. tablet computers
B. a popular holiday gift

C. happening now

D. There is a sale

15. Which word in the sentence is the appositive?

Her son John is the fastest runner on the team.

A. son

B. runner

C. team

D. John

16. Which words in the sentence make up the appositive? Which word does the appositive rename?

Many letters of support were sent to the candidate Jack Candless.

A. were sent; renames candidate

B. Many letters; renames support

C. Jack Candless; renames candidate

D. to the candidate; renames sent

17. Which words in the sentence make up the appositive phrase? Which word does the appositive rename?

Use this, a pen with silver ink, for the invitations.

A. with silver ink; renames pen

B. Use this; renames pen

C. a pen with silver ink; renames this

D. for the invitations; renames ink