At local florists shop, yellow roses cost $2 and red roses cost $3. Steven wants to spend no more than $25 on a bouquet that includes both yellow and red roses. Let "x" represent the number of yellow roses and let "y" represent the number of red roses.

Respuesta :


2x + 3y ≤ 25

Completed question;

At local florists shop, yellow roses cost $2 and red roses cost $3. Steven wants to spend no more than $25 on a bouquet that includes both yellow and red roses. Let "x" represent the number of yellow roses and let "y" represent the number of red roses.

Represent the case with an equation.

Step-by-step explanation:


Cost of yellow roses = $2

Cost of red roses = $3

Maximum cost he can spend = $25

Let "x" represent the number of yellow roses

let "y" represent the number of red roses.

The total cost of yellow roses = 2 × x = 2x

The total cost of red roses = 3×y = 3y

Total = 2x + 3y

The equation for this case can be written as;

2x + 3y ≤ 25