Suppose you are given a text file. Design a Python3 program to encrypt/decrypt that text file as follows:
If the character is an upper case character then shift that character forward, s characters forward in the alphabet.
If the character is a lower case character then shift that character backwards, s characters backwards in the alphabet.
If the character is a numeric character then shift that character also backwards, s characters backwards in the 1-digit numbers set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.
You must design two functions; one to encrypt. The other one is to decrypt. All white space and punctuation marks must be ignored(cannot be changed). If you reach Z, or A, the shifting may continue as a cycle(A comes after Z, Z comes before A). Both files (original text file and the encrypted text file) must be stored in the working directory of Python.
An example;
Let s=1 and the text file:
11300Hello World
Then encoded text file;
002991dkkn Xnqke