As the American Revolution rose among the 18th century, it was ignited by Britain’s colonization of the 13 colonies. The colonies because frustrated and felt trapped under the British rule. They were additionally being taxed without representation. Thus, they felt the need to rebel among the British.
As the colonies established a nation as they broke away from Britain, it is important to note what caused these ideas in the Declaration to emerge. The Declaration is most influenced by the Enlightenment and John Lockes as he developed the Natural Rights ideal. He stated each human had the rights to life, property, and liberty. Additionally, he believed in the social contract in which the government and it citizen are in a contract/agreement. The citizens give the government the responsibility to protect their rights, while the government does so. This is important because it inspires the key concepts within the Declaration.
The fourth ideal is most significant because the citizens within the colonies were oppressed by the British, thus wanted to prevent the social contract from being broken. If the government does not give the people their rights nor do they not protect their rights, they are allowed to rebel against the government just as seen within the American Revolution.