1. Even after Stalin's death in 1953, the Soviet Union made it clear that it would NOT (1 point)
(0 pts) expand its empire.
(0 pts) launch more satellites to spy on Western nations.
(0 pts) try to control its satellite states.
(1 pt) allow Eastern European satellites to become independent of control.
1 /1 point
2. In response to Nagy's declaration of Hungarian independence, Khrushchev reacted by (1 point)
(1 pt) attacking Budapest.
(0 pts) withdrawing Soviet troops.
(0 pts) annexing Yugoslavia.
(0 pts) creating the Warsaw Pact.
1 /1 point
3. After World War II, Stalin focused the economic recovery in the Soviet Union on
(1 point)
(1 pt) heavy industry.
(0 pts) consumer goods.
(0 pts) agriculture.
(0 pts) construction.

Respuesta :

1. Even after Stalin's death in 1953, the Soviet Union made it clear that it would not allow Eastern European satellites to become independent of control. The correct option is the fourth option.

In response to Nagy's declaration of Hungarian independence, Khrushchev reacted by attacking Budapest. The correct option is the first option.

After World War II, Stalin focused the economic recovery in the Soviet Union on heavy industry. The correct option is the first option.