In its size I had been greatly mistaken. The whole circuit of its walls did not exceed twenty-five yards. For some minutes this fact occasioned me a world of vain trouble; vain indeed! For what could be of less importance, under the terrible circumstances which environed me, than the mere dimensions of my dungeon? But my soul took a wild interest in trifles, and I busied myself in endeavors to account for the error I had committed in my measurement. The truth at length flashed upon me. In my first attempt at exploration I had counted fifty-two paces, up to the period when I fell;

Which of the following words BEST describes the mood of the excerpt?
A. humorous
B. righteous
C. sinister
D. prosperous

Respuesta :

The correct answer is C. Sinister. 

In this excerpt, we can feel the mood in the character's narration. He is expressing his frustration and telling us that something harmful has happened. He is not trying to humor us, or trying to be righteous or prosperous.