Can moving their hands help children learn math? This question was investigated in a study. Eighty-five children in the third and fourth grades who did not answer any questions correctly on a test with six problems of the form 3 + 2 + 8 = ___ + 8 were participants in an experiment. The children were randomly assigned to either a no-gesture group or a gesture group. All the children were given a lesson on how to solve problems of this form using the strategy of trying to make both sides of the equation equal.

Respuesta :


Impact of gesture learning on students performance (correct answers) can  be done through Hypothesis Testing


The hypothesis test is to check that impact of learning with gesture, increases or not the average number of correct answers by students.

Let : Group 1 = No gesture ; Group 2 = Gesture

Group 1 : no. = n1 , mean = u1 , standard deviation = σ1

Group 2 : no. = n2 , mean = u2 , standard deviation = σ2

Null Hypothesis [H0] : Mean (Group1) = Mean (Group2)

Alternate Hypothesis [H2] : Mean (Group 1) < Mean (Group 2)

Let level of significance α = 5% = 0.05

Test t statistic = ( u1 - u2 )

                    √ [ σ[tex]1^2[/tex] / n1 + σ [tex]2^2[/tex] / n2 ]

If calculated value of this 't' > tabulated 't' i.e usually 1.96 at α = 0.05 or if p value < 0.05 :  We reject the null hypothesis & conclude that Mean (Group 1) < Mean (Group 2). This implies that theory learning with gesture implies higher average correct responses

If calculated value of this 't' < tabulated 't' i.e usually 1.96 at α = 0.05 or if p value > 0.05 :  We don't reject the null hypothesis & conclude that Mean (Group 1) = Mean (Group 2). This implies that theory learning with gesture doesn't imply higher average correct answers