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IPM means Integrated Pest Management. It allows the growth of a healthy and effective crop without causing any environmental interference to agro-ecosystems and it also encourages natural pest control mechanisms. The IPM integrates practices for economic pest control.
The steps that are followed in minimizing the environmental interference to the effective and healthy growth of plants are:
- Regular Inspection of Crops: Places where pests are most likely to appear should be regularly inspected to ensure healthy growth of crops. Storage facilities, sources of food and water, etc. should be regularly inspected for any indications that might encourage the presence of pests.
- Sanitation activities: These are preventive measures to ensure the farming environments are clean and do not have tendencies to harbor any pests. The few identified pests during sanitation activities can be physically controlled.
- Identification of diseased crops: By identifying the plants that are diseased, the likely pests that affected them can also be identified and the most effective control measures for such pests can be applied.
- Making proper analysis for reasons why such pests are present on the farm. This will help farmers to make proper adjustments
- Applying the proper control methods: Proper treatment methods should be applied based on the types and prevalence of pest attacks on the farm. If possible, the use of chemicals should be avoided. Physical and biological methods of control are more encouraged.
- All the above steps should be regular. The crops should be constantly monitored for any outbreak of pests
- Proper Record Keeping: All the pests controlled activities taken should be properly documented for record purpose. If similar occurrence takes place, the record book can be referred to.
To protect the crop and promote minimal environmental interference, it will be necessary to carry out an assessment of potential pests in the environment and carry out biological pest control strategies.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Biological pest control is the first strategy that should be adopted to protect crops against pest attacks, without affecting the environment.
- A biological control refers to the adoption of practices that do not use chemical products, but that are efficient in controlling the number of pests in an area.
- To start biological control, it is necessary to assess organisms that can become potential pests.
- The level of susceptibility of the crop to the attack of these potential pests must also be evaluated.
Based on this assessment, the farmer must decide which biological control method should be used. Among the methods we can cite: The use of resistant crops, crop rotation, protection strips, solarization, use of natural enemies, plant extracts, plant cover, among others.
You can have more information about resistant crops at the link below: