A water supply agency is planning to add two reservoirs to its system. Water will flow from Reservoir A to Reservoir B via a 10,000-ft-long, 24-inch diameter steel pipe. The pipe will be installed beneath a road between the two reservoirs. The road crosses over a hill with a summit elevation of 375 ft above MSL. This summit is at a distance of 3000 ft from reservoir A.

The elevation of the water surface in reservoir A will vary between 348.0 and 362.0 ft above MSL and the water surface in reservoir B will vary between 244.1 and 255.4 ft above MSL.
Assume a temperature of 50°F. Neglect minor losses. Use a Hazen-Williams friction factor of 100 and an equivalent sand grain roughness of 0.060 in. These values are from Table 12.1.1 in the text.

(a) Make a sketch that defines the geometry of the problem. Clearly label dimensions.
(b) Determine which water level combination will lead to maximum discharge in the pipe and which water level combination will lead to minimum discharge in the pipe. This should be done by analyzing the relevant equations without doing any calculations. Show your work and explain your logic.
(c) Determine the maximum and minimum discharge in the pipe. Repeat the calculations twice – do each one using the Darcy-Weisbach equation and the Hazen-Williams equation. Report FOUR discharge values for your answer to this question: maximum using H-W, maximum using D-W, minimum using H-W, minimum using D-W. Also submit a clearly annotated Moody diagram showing how you determined your friction factors.
(d) Determine the minimum depth below the summit that the pipe should be laid if the pressure in the pipe is to remain positive. Clearly explain your logic. Use the Hazen-Williams equation for your calculations.