A buy class situation affects buying center tendencies in different ways. If the buying objective is to find a good solution, the suppliers considered are both new and present, and the buying influence includes technical and operating personnel, the buy class situation is most likely a

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New buy


A new buy is a situation where the buyer is making a purchase for the first time. In this situation bit is important that the seller communicates the competitive advantage of his product to the buyer and provides all relevant information for him to make an informed decision to buy.

New buys takes longer period to make a purchase decision as the buyer does careful analysis and research before commuting themselves.

Buyer is influenced by technical and operating personel. Previous sellers and new sellers of product is considered before purchase is made.


A new buy


A new buy is a situation requiring the purchase of a product for the very first time. It involves a lot of people, the decision time is long and the problem definition is uncertain. Since, the buying objective is to find a good solution, the suppliers considered are both new and present and the buying influence includes the technical and operating personnel, the buy class situation is most likely a new buy.