Respuesta :


The most important source of inequality arises from a person's relationship to the means of production." This statement might be heard from a Marxist.


According to Marxist theory, means of production are the factors formed by means of work and objects of work - or everything that mediates the relationship between human work and nature, in the process of transforming the nature itself in order to produce something.

According to Marxist theory, the human labor force and the means of production constitute the productive forces, which, together with the relations of production (social and technical). Each mode of production corresponds to a social structure - that is, a way of organizing society - and a certain pattern of relations between members of society. According to Marxist theory, the capitalist mode of production corresponds to a class structure, in which the ownership of the means of production determines the position of the bourgeoisie as the dominant class


The correct answer is Marxist.


Marxism is known as the set of ideas, concepts, theses, theories and proposals of a philosophical, ideological, political and economic nature, as well as a certain conception of the world, social and political life, which derives from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and that has a doctrinal character.

Thus, Marxism is a current of thought, a theoretical-explanatory model of human reality that has served as the ideological basis of what is known as historical and dialectical materialism, of communism and of the different types of socialisms.

Universidad de Mexico