Part a : If JumpStart paid cash
Office Supplies $870 (debit)
Cash $870 (credit)
Part b : If JumpStart placed it on account
Office Supplies $870 (debit)
Account Payable $870 (credit)
Part c : If JumpStart pays the amount due
Account Payable $870 (debit)
Cash $870 (credit)
Part a : If JumpStart paid cash
Recognise an expense for Office Supplies and reduce the assets of cash to reflect outflow of economic benefits in form of cash
Part b : If JumpStart placed it on account
Recognize an expense for Office Supplies and also recognise a Liability - Accounts Payable to reflect a present obligation created by JumpStart to its Supplier
Part c : If JumpStart pays the amount due
Derecognise the Liability - Accounts receivable since the liability has been settled and reduce the assets of cash to reflect outflow of economic benefits in form of cash due to settlement of Account