Health care is a basic right. Our current system is convoluted and unethical and should go the way of gladiator games. We can spar and battle in the free market in many arenas, but when we get sick we should all have care--not just the lawyers, bankers, politicians, and others who can afford it. We like the free market, but we shouldn't let people die in the street--not in this country passagea. Argument; conclusion: We can spar and battle ... others who can afford it.b. Argument; conclusion: We like the free market ... not in this country. c. Argument; conclusion: Our current system is convoluted ... gladiator games. d. Nonargument. e. Argument; conclusion: Health care is a basic right.

Respuesta :


The answer is d. Nonargument: The passage is a nonargument.


The passage is a nonargument because the person who made the statement/passage, did so by stating what they believe in without giving strong reasons which could be universally accepted: “Health care is a basic right...but when we get sick we should all have care—not just the lawyers, bankers, politicians, and others who can afford it...but we shouldn’t let people die in the street—not in this country”. The full passage is a nonargument which has been stated, but is not supported with logical reasons.