Respuesta :


Conversion to Islam became Law by the founder the Safavid dynasty.


Islam is not an homogeneous religion, in fact there are sects depending on their main beliefs.  During the time of the Safavid Empire things were not different about it. They were a strong family who ruled Iran since 1501 until 1736. Iran was basically Sunni Islamic, the most dominant branch of Islam even nowadays, but that changed during the rule of the Safavid dynasty as they started the covnersion of Iran from Sunni to Shia Islam, another branch of Islam and it was not an option for the citizens as the Safavid established the conversion to Shia Islam as a law. No one could be a soldier and fight for the empire if he was not a devote of Shia Islam. Religion was converted into a law for all. Ths is how Islam impact law in Iran during the Safavid Empire.