

19. One reason President Theodore Roosevelt wanted the United States to build the Panama Canal was to
A. help Panama take over weaker Central American nations.
B. bring American military presence to Central America to control other nations.
C. help build a strong alliance between the many nations in the Pacific and in the Caribbean.
D. increase American power by controlling the only water passage between the Caribbean and Pacific.

20. What was the main reason imperialists in the United States wanted to annex the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?
A. They hoped to force the Philippines to stop doing business with other Asian nations.
B. They felt that the Philippines would trade only with China if they became independent.
C. They believed that the Japanese would capture the Philippines and threaten trade with China.
D. They saw the Philippines as the gateway to new business opportunities with other Asian nations.

21. During the Homestead Strike of 1892, talks broke down and striking union members fought with Pinkerton Detectives hired by the Carnegie Steel Company. What did incidents such as this indicate about the attitudes of most industrialists toward organized labor?
A. Labor unions were seen as a threat to the entire capitalist system.
B. Factory owners were unwilling to risk violence to settle labor problems.
C. Strikes were seen as a legitimate way for labor unions to make demands.
D. Factory owners were willing to resort to violence before attempting discussions.

22. Japan's victories on both land and sea during the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 shocked many Western nations. Why was the outcome of this war significant?
A. It confirmed that Japan had become a world power.
B. It proved that the Russian influence in Asia had ended.
C. It demonstrated that the Russian military was powerless.
D. It showed that Japan intended to take over Southeast Asia.

24. ""The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!"

–The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1848

What can be concluded about Marxist theory, based on the quotation above?

A. It supported the ideas of democratic rule and working class social values.
B. It advised the working class to form labor unions and negotiate with the capitalists.
C. It advocated violent social change and complete control by the working class.
D. It encouraged the working class to adopt middle-class principles and remain peaceful.

26. What were the results of Otto von Bismarck's policy of Realpolitik (realistic politics) during the late 1800s?
A. the unification of the German states and the creation of an empire
B. the creation of the German Confederation and the end of imperial rule
C. the adoption of a liberal constitution and the creation of German democracy
D. the creation of German socialism and the adoption of peaceful diplomatic policies

28. One of the most significant aspects of the Meiji Restoration was that it marked the transition of Japan from
A. a feudal society to an industrial, capitalist nation.
B. a democratic nation to a repressive feudal society.
C. an imperialistic society to an isolated agricultural nation.
D. an absolute dictatorship to a socialistic, collective society.

31. The rise of industrial economies caused manufacturing nations to view undeveloped regions as sources of inexpensive raw materials and captive markets for manufactured products. During the Industrial Revolution, this outlook contributed to
A. the rapid growth of global imperialism and colonialism.
B. the creation of global governing bodies and legal systems.
C. the development of socialism and isolationist economic policies.
D. the rapid growth of the slave trade and the importation of foreign workers.

After 1869, the British increased their efforts to add Egypt to their vast empire. Their primary motivation was an interest in controlling the valuable trade route created by the completion of the
A. Cairo Road.
B. Aswan Dam.
C. Suez Canal.
D. Alexandria Highway.

39. Which factor contributed MOST to the political unrest in Europe that led to World War I?
A. socialism
B. federalism
C. nationalism
D. collectivism

Respuesta :

19. D. increase American power by controlling the only water passage between the Caribbean and Pacific. He believed in a large US Navy as a way of extending US power. A canal allowed the US to build and manage freely flowing naval resources.

20. D. They saw the Philippines as the gateway to new business opportunities with other Asian nations. Americans who advocated annexation showed a variety of motivations, the strongest of them being a desire for commercial opportunities in Asia.

21. A. Labor unions were seen as a threat to the entire capitalist system. Factories became unwilling to sign labor agreements in order to avoid any strikes from the workers.

22. A. It confirmed that Japan had become a world power. The three major defeats in the war convinced Russia that Japan's imperial desires for East Asia was futile and Japan emerged from the conflict as the first modern non-Western world power.

24. C. It advocated violent social change and complete control by the working class. "....forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

26. A. the unification of the German states and the creation of an empire. Bismarck unified the German states into a powerful German Empire under Prussian leadership starting in the 1860s.

 28. A. a feudal society to an industrial, capitalist nation.In 1868 Japan was a militarily weak country, primarily agricultural, and had little technological development. It was controlled by hundreds of semi-independent feudal lords.

31. A. the rapid growth of global imperialism and colonialism. By the end of the 18th century, Britain became the world's largest colonial power and the Industrial Revolution spread to the European mainland and across the Atlantic to the United States.

33. C. Suez Canal. British prime minister Disraeli acted without parliamentary authorization and bought the canal to greatly increase the British stake in Egyptian stability.

39. C. Nationalism.


19. D. increase American power by controlling the only water passage between the Caribbean and Pacific. He believed in a large US Navy as a way of extending US power. A canal allowed the US to build and manage freely flowing naval resources.

20. D. They saw the Philippines as the gateway to new business opportunities with other Asian nations. Americans who advocated annexation showed a variety of motivations, the strongest of them being a desire for commercial opportunities in Asia.

21. A. Labor unions were seen as a threat to the entire capitalist system. Factories became unwilling to sign labor agreements in order to avoid any strikes from the workers.

22. A. It confirmed that Japan had become a world power. The three major defeats in the war convinced Russia that Japan's imperial desires for East Asia was futile and Japan emerged from the conflict as the first modern non-Western world power.

24. C. It advocated violent social change and complete control by the working class. "....forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

26. A. the unification of the German states and the creation of an empire. Bismarck unified the German states into a powerful German Empire under Prussian leadership starting in the 1860s.

28. A. a feudal society to an industrial, capitalist nation.In 1868 Japan was a militarily weak country, primarily agricultural, and had little technological development. It was controlled by hundreds of semi-independent feudal lords.

31. A. the rapid growth of global imperialism and colonialism. By the end of the 18th century, Britain became the world's largest colonial power and the Industrial Revolution spread to the European mainland and across the Atlantic to the United States.

33. C. Suez Canal. British prime minister Disraeli acted without parliamentary authorization and bought the canal to greatly increase the British stake in Egyptian stability.

39. C. Nationalism.
