You are the marketing manager of a company that provides home cleaning services within your state. You have launched a new marketing mix strategy and tactics into the marketplace. What types of information should you monitor to judge the plan’s implementation and effectiveness?

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There are several key performance indicators (KPIs) that you should measure in order to determine if the marketing strategy was successful or not:

  • incremental sales: your new marketing strategy increased total sales by
  • return on investment: how much did your sales revenue increased since you launched the new strategy
  • cost per win: how much did each extra sale cost your company
  • cost per lead: how much did each extra lead cost your company (similar to the above, but not every lead ends up in a successful sale)
  • conversion rate: how many leads turned into actual sales
  • customer lifetime value: was there an increase in the customer value (average sale per customer x number of yearly sales per customer)
  • and others more specific to each industry
