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Protozoans are single celled eukaryotes that exhibit plant and animal like features. Some of the examples of protozoans are - Euglena, Paramoecium and Amoeba. To observe these organisms under the microscope, a small amount of it from the culture jar is taken and observed at different magnification. Euglena moves with the help of a flagella and hence, is classified as flagellate. Paramoecium moves with the help of cilia and hence, classified into ciliate. Amoeba moves with the help of pseudopodia and thus, it is a sarcodine.  

All the three organism has nuclei. However, paramecium have two nuclei called as a micronucleus and macronucleus. Euglena lacks food and contractile vacuole. Euglena also has an organelle called as chloroplast which is found mostly in plants.