Dr. Miller decided to conduct an exercise in his class wherein he had two students each flip a coin and he recorded how many heads and tails each of them received. One student had five heads in a row, while the other student's coin toss had no pattern. Dr. Miller explained that while the pattern is interesting, it is best explained by Option C: Random events.
Suppose a person wins a lottery, we call it luck, but if he wins lottery more than once and we see a pattern. This would be a series of luck for the person. In this case the two events are random events that took place and there is no coincidence.
Similarly, if a person flips coin and one student got five heads in a row while for the other there was no such pattern in winning the toss. This pattern is example of random events, Option C. It is not coincidence like in Option B or casually related events as Option A. It is also not an example of beating records as per option D.