1. The relationship between the poverty rate and health status is an inverse one.
2. The relationship between education level and health status is a direct one.
A direct relationship between two variables is when the increase in one variable leads to an increase in another variable. Whereas, an inverse relationship is one where an increase in one variable leads to a decrease in another variable, and vice-versa.
1. In this instance, poverty rate and health status have an inverse relationship, as increases in poverty rates usually result in a decrease in health status. This trend occurs due to decreased access to doctors, hospitals, healthy food and knowledge about health that occur due poverty.
2. The relationship between education level and health status is a direct one. This is because higher levels of education typically results in increases in health status. Higher levels of education usually lead to better financial resources, which in turn makes doctors, hospitals, healthy food, access to gyms and exercise classes more accessible. Similarly higher education levels provide more access to knowledge about preventative health and health promotion.