Respuesta :
1) comienza
3) cuanto sabes
Explanation: Para agregar verbos a las oraciones tene en cuenta el tiempo verbal(oresente, pasado y futuro) y que la oracio´n tenga coherencia y concordancia.
To add verbs to the sentences, take into account the tense (tense, past and future) and that the sentence has coherence and concordance.
I hope I have helped you, good luck!
1) comienza
2) cerré
3) ¿qué sabes
4) cenamos
5) duermen
6) perdí
7) conocen
8) les gusta
There are hundreds of actions that can be performed, therefore, there are hundreds of verbs to name them. However, whatever they start, all the verbs in Spanish end in one way: with the letter R. And according to the vowel that comes before, which can be an A, an E or an I, it can be organized to the verbs in three groups:
• The so-called first conjugation verbs, which end in the AR syllable, such as studying, jumping and cooking.
• The so-called second conjugation verbs, ending in the syllable ER, such as running, eating and knowing.
• The so-called third conjugation verbs, which end in IR, such as exit, write, and the same verb go.
To conjugate a verb, we must separate its root from its disinfection or termination.
The termination will be what we have already told you: AR, ER, or IR. Therefore, its root will be everything else. For example, in the verb "desarmar", its root is desarm and its ending ar. It is a verb of first conjugation.
Now, to conjugate a verb it is possible to follow a model, according to which it is only necessary to change the verb's ending, while its root remains. For each Time of each Mode, there is a different termination depending on the person in question.
On the other hand, from the point of view of conjugation, there are two types of verbs: the so-called regular ones and the so-called irregular ones.
Regular verbs are those that can be governed by the termination model we are talking about, however, irregular verbs are not completely governed by this model, since in some cases they have other endings, and even some of them modify their root by time to be conjugated