b.Hector's spouse participates in an employer-sponsored plan but Hector is not eligible to participate in this plan.
According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the legal requirement for health insurance for firms with at least 50 employees is employer-sponsored coverage for employees and their children (until the age of 26). Although, most employers do provide coverage to spouse as well however, that is not a legal requirement. Hence, it can be suggested that Hector is not covered under employer-sponsored plan of the spouse. But, if Hector uses the Schedule A and itemize the medical deductions then Hector can deduct the cost of the premiums for AGI. This option also involves Hector's personal income as self-employed person as well. Hector's income must equal or exceed the total amount of health insurance deduction other wise only those deductions will be sanctioned that are equal to Hector's income.