You are a Director in the Andrews Corporation. Your boss called you to inform you that there is a proposed layoff in your department which would affect three of six of your employees if it takes place. Given the sensitivity of the issue, your boss asks you to keep this information absolutely confidential. Later that day, one of your employees (Shelia) who would be affected stops you in the hallway and says she’s heard rumors about a layoff, remarking "I’m not going to be fired am I?" The layoff in fact does occur and you now have to deliver the bad news to your employees. It’s likely to send shockwaves through the organization and there will no doubt be considerable bad press associated with the layoff. With which of the following issues should you be most concerned when talking with Shelia? Making certain that she has a chance to air any negative feelings so she doesn’t feel a need to go the local newspaper.
Making sure that Shelia understands the economic need for laying-off staff.
Clearly communicating that it’s not personal and that she has been a valuable employee.
Ensuring that Shelia understands the process for how she was selected as one of the employees to be terminated.

Respuesta :


Making sure that Shelia understands the economic need for laying-off staff.


Lay-offs and the communication associated with it is never a pleasant topic for the employee who is getting laid-off, but also for the person who is in charge of delivering the message.

The key takeaway when communicating things related to lay-offs is the distinction between lay-offs and employee firing due to bad performance. Lay-offs are never the result of an individual's bad performance or mistakes regarding work, instead, they are always related to business issues, such as mandatory downsizing. All in all, lay-offs are always about economic issues regarding the business.

That's why it is irrelevant to talk about personal traits and the lay-off process since it is not the employee's fault.

Making sure that Shelia understands the economic need for laying-off staff.

Further Explanation

Lay-offs are the termination of employment relationships caused by a matter that results in the termination of rights and obligations between workers/laborers and employers/employers.

Termination Procedure

Workers must be given the opportunity to defend themselves before their employment relationship is terminated. Employers must make every effort to avoid terminating employment.

Employers and workers and trade unions negotiate the termination of employment and try to prevent termination of employment.

If the negotiations really do not result in an agreement, the employer can only terminate the employment relationship with workers after obtaining the determination from the industrial relations dispute resolution agency. This stipulation is not necessary if the worker is on probation when it has been required in writing, the worker asks to resign without any indication of pressure or intimidation from the employer, the termination of the employment relationship in accordance with the work agreement with the first specified time, the worker reaches retirement age, and if the worker dies.

Employers must re-employ or provide compensation to workers whose reasons for terminating their employment were found to be unfair.

If the employer wants to reduce the number of workers due to changes in operations, the employer must first try to negotiate with the worker or union. If the negotiations do not produce an agreement, then both the employer and the union can submit the dispute to the industrial relations dispute resolution agency.

Learn More


employee rights


Class: College

Subject: Business

Keyword: Lay-offs, Employees, relationships