Experiencing flow
In psychology, flow refers to a mental state where a person becomes extremely and deeply focused in an activity. This state of flow can lead to a person being so engrossed and absorbed by said activity that they can lose track of time and space.
First described by psychology researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, researchers say that flow is a consequence of the practical limits of our brains: we can only focus on so much information at a time, and thus we discriminate what information is more important at any given moment, in order to focus our attention on it. When we enter a state of flow, we become so engrossed by whatever we're doing, that our brains focus only on the activity that we're engaged in, discarding any other information that is not deemed relevant. This means ignoring the passage of time, losing sense of space, and even ignoring basic physiological needs, like hunger or sleep. This is the case of Nancy: she's so absorbed by her graphical design job that she loses track of time. This is a typical example of a mental state of flow.