1) What is Yoni’s MOTIVATION for making his video? What are the reasons (there are more than one) that he has decided to do this? Which one do you think is his MAIN MOTIVATION? Why do you think so?

2) Yoni’s video idea is, in his mind, a brilliant one that will make him rich and/or famous. Do you agree? Why or why not? Have you ever had an idea that you thought could do that for you? What was it?

3) What is Sergei’s MOTIVATION for saving his third wish? Does his choice make sense to you? Why or why not?How do you think he feels when he is forced to use it?

4) What did you think of the ending of the story? Was it what you expected? Was it similar to the endings of other "wish stories" you have read/seen/ heard? Why or why not?

Please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll get 15 pnts

Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

1. Yoni's motivation is to make a touching, reflective and very original documentary, something never seen before, something impressive. For that, he is motivated to ask the same question to very different people, who have had different experiences and who do not share the same ethnicity and the same history, so this will be a documentary with global reach and with a very deep meaning, allowing let him sell to a famous channel and get money from it.

2. I agree with Yoni's idea about his documentary. This is because he wants to address topics that involve people's curiosity about politics, about social inequality, about poverty, about Nazism, motherhood and many other things that can be identifiable for many people around the world.

3. Sergei's motivation is to save the last wish to use something for him, since he used the other two to wish things for other people. This makes us agree with Sergei and find meaning in his motivation to keep the last wish, as this is a unique opportunity in life. When he feels sad when using the last wish with another person, but he recognizes his guilt and knows that this is the right thing to do.

4. For me the end of the story was just and it happened exactly what I expected, although the statement by Sergei sibre wanting to stay with the fish to talk left me moved and surprised, since this statement was far out of what I expected from Sergei and what I had read and heard in other wish stories.