Respuesta :
1. Hay tres personajes en la tira cómica: un usuario de teléfono, un amigo y un empleado de la empresa (company) telefónica. A) Cierto B) Falso
2. El nuevo servicio de teléfono incluye las llamadas telefónicas únicamente. A) Cierto B) Falso
3. El empleado duerme en su casa. A) Cierto B) Falso
4. El contrato de teléfono dura (lasts) un año. A) Cierto B) Falso
5. El usuario y el amigo están trabajando (working). A) Cierto B) Falso
1. Cierto. In this comic book, we see three characters. One that wears red shorts. The other character wears yellow shorts. And the third character, which is an employee, wears blue shorts.
2. Falso. What is correct, the firm offers a new phone call service and it is followed by a person that follows you everywhere you go. In this case, it is an employee, or the third character, the one with blue shorts.
3. Falso. The correct answer is, he does sleep in the house of the user. He doesn't sleep in his bed or on his couch, but in a sleeping bag that is located next to the user's bed.
4. Cierto. The contract is made in a way where it lasts for one year. During that period, a user cannot get rid of an employee and he will be there every step of the way.
5. Falso. The user of this service and his friends are not at work. They are on vacations, because we can clearly see that there is a beach through the whole comic strip.