Una es diferenteMultiple choice Activity Hide details InstructionsChoose the word that does not belong. November 21 11:59 PM 5 attempts remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list 108-111
1. pasatiempo diversión ratos libres trabajar
2. patinar descansar esquiar nadar bucear
3. baloncesto películas fútbol tenis vóleibol
4. museo equipo jugador partido pelota
5. correo electrónico revista periódico tenis

Respuesta :


The answers are:

  1. Trabajar
  2. Descansar
  3. Películas
  4. Museo
  5. Tenis


This is the "odd one out". Number one the odd one out is "trabajar" as it means "to work" and the rest are basically nouns refering to free time. Number two, are recreational activities, which you are implied to do exercise, in this context "descansar" which means "to rest" isn't an active activity. Number three, are sports, actually these are very similar in pronunciation in English, so "películas" - movies, isn't a sport. Number 4 are words related to ball games, "equipo, jugador, partido, pelota" team, player, game and ball are related but "museum" or "museo" --which is as well similar in English, isn't. And finally, the words here are related to correspondance, thus, "tenis" which means "shoe" or the sport tenis, isn't related.