Document 2
And it contains, among other things,
first time in history the counsels of mankin
of defending the rights and improving the c
over the world. Such a thing as that was never dr
in discussing the League of Nations is the matter
is no other way to do it than by a universal leagu
wrong other things, a great charter of liberty for the workingmen of the world. For the
We counsels of mankind are to be drawn together and concerted for the purpose
ghts and improving the conditions of working people-men, women, and children-all
such a thing as that was never dreamed of before, and what you are asked to discuss
we League of Nations is the matter of seeing that this thing is not interfered with. There
er way to do it than by a universal league of nations, and what is proposed is a universal
Bague of nations.... This is the Covenant of the League of Nations that you hear objected to, the
only possible guarantee against war. I would consider m
every wife and we
consider myself recreant to every mother and father,
every wire and sweetheart in this country. If I consented to the ending of this war without a guarantee
that there would be no other. For. I tell you, my fellow citizens, I can predict with absolute
certainty that within another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do
not concert the method by which to prevent it.
Source: Speech by President Woodrow Wilson 1919, Appeal for Support of the League of Nations
1) According to President Wilson, what is the only way to ensure safety of mankind, defense of all
people's rights, and improvement of the conditions for all mankind?
2) What does "For, I tell you, my fellow citizens, I can predict with absolute certainty that within
another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do not concert the
method by which to prevent it" tell you about his confidence in the League of Nations?