compare and contrast the daily life of jews under greek and roman rule. Consider how greek and roman rule affected the jewish peoples' ability to practice their religion. Describe how conflicts eventually devoloped between the jews and the ruling groups

Respuesta :


Well, let's start with Greece, when Judia got invaded by the Greeks they  weren't allowed to worship there own god. The Greeks also filled there temple with items of there gods. It stayed like that until they revolted in 167. BC with the help of Judas Maccabees. After that the Jews got rid of all of the statues of Greek gods and goddesses in there temple "The second temple". Inside there was only so much oil to lit there candles for praying but with all of the oil they were able to keep the candles burning for 8 days creating Hanukkah. Then in 63. BC Judia got invaded by the Romans. they renamed Judia to Judaya, and gave them a Jewish king (Herod) and let them continue there religion. After all of this this 4 Jewish tribes formed. They where the Sadducee the Pharisees, the Zealots, and the Essene.  In 66. AD the Zealots tried to get there land back, they had some success against a small roman force, but then got destroyed by bigger groups. So then in returned the roman king killed thousands of Jews, Rome retook Judaya, and destroyed the second temple. He also renamed Judaya to Pastism just to pis them off.

That's enough info for you?
