A locals retail organization has been using data which was produced ten years previously on the buying habits of the local population to help decide which items to stock for sale. Despite some clearly successful lines, sales have been dropping gradually over the last four years. The town in which the organization is based is growing in size rapidly as it has become part of a commuter belt for a large adjacent city and a number of estates have been built for families moving to the town. On one page, critically evaluate what type of consumer surveys should be undertaken by the organization that would provide more up-to-date information on what should be stocked.requires you to design a questionnaire you can use to solicit valid answers for a report to the director about how to handle the audience's reaction to the movie.Here is the "movie" scenario that you will use for this assignment. The 11.13 scenario in the e-text is different from this one; however, you can choose which one to complete. They both require a critique of creating a survey or questionnaire for primary research.Here is the one for the movie studio:You work for a movie studio that is producing a young director's first motion picture--the story of a group of unknown musicians finding work and making a reputation in a competitive industry. Unfortunately, some of your friends say the 182-minute movie is simply too long. Others say they couldn't imagine any sequences to cut out. Your boss wants to test the movie on a regular audience and ask viewers to complete a questionnaire that will help the director decide whether edits are needed and, if so, where. Design a questionnaire you can use to solicit valid answers for a report to the director about how to handle the audience's reaction to the movie.Before developing specific questions, consider the questionnaire’s purpose, its length, and whether it will be completed on the spot or completed and mailed in later.Use a variety of question types and check your questions for clarity and objectivity. Note: You are likely to get a better participation rate if the questionnaire is brief and can be completed right after the screening.

Respuesta :

This questions includes two types of surveys. The first one is a consumer habits survey, while the second one is the one designed for the movie director.


In the first case, we learn that sales have been decreasing rapidly in the last four years. Over this same period of time, the town has grown in size and become a commuter town with a lot of new states for families to move into. The survey that is designed needs to measure several thing. First, it needs to provide information on the size and share of the market. It also needs to perform market profiling (who are the consumers? what are they like?). Finally, it needs to track what the habits and uses of the consumers are like, so that the products can best address these needs.


The purpose of this questionnaire would be learning more about the audience's reactions and feelings towards the movie. Moreover, the purpose of this would be to inform the director of any necessary changes. The questionnaire should be completed immediately after the viewing. It should also be short and contain only a few questions, with the option to elaborate if necessary. Some of the questions you could use would be:

  • While watching the movie, did you feel distracted at any point? When?
  • Did you feel the movie lasted longer than necessary?
  • Were there any scenes that felt pointless, long or irrelevant?
  • If you had to eliminate 10 minutes of the movies, which ones would you eliminate?
  • How likely are you to recommend the movie to your friends?
  • How likely are you to watch the movie again?