
Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.

1. emerging market

2. discretionary income

3. direct exporting

4. due process

5. established market

a. one in which a product or service already exists

b. a business arrangement in which a business owner transfers goods directly to a client in another country

c. money left over after bills are paid

d. a legal process that respects the legal rights of those involved

e. a market that is just starting to grow or develop, often in the developing world

2. Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.

1. exchange rate

2. etiquette

3. indirect exporting

4. fiduciary

5. free- enterprise system

a. having a legal responsibility and ethical obligation for one party to act in the best interest of another

b. using a third party to facilitate the exchange of goods to a foreign market

c. acceptable rules of conduct or behavior

d. the rate at which one currency can be used to purchase another

e. a system in which businesses are run with limited control of the state 3.

Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.

1. chief executive officer

2. chief financial officer

3. contract

4. agency relationship

5. bankruptcy

a. the senior manager of finance in the company

b. a written agreement between two parties

c. the highest-ranking administrator of a company

d. a relationship in which one person or party is legally entitled to act for another

e. the legal state of a business that can no longer pay its creditors

4. Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.

1. tort

2. quarterly earnings report

3. intellectual property

4. logistics

a. a statements that details the profit or loss of a company

b. something created or invented that has commercial value

c. a civil action that causes harm or damage for which a person or business can be held legally responsible

d. the process of getting something where it needs to be