Respuesta :
General Zaroff stocks his island with game from ships that run around on the giant rocks.
General Zaroff is a diabolical man, who got so bored with hunting that he decided that no animal could challenge him anymore. Instead, he decided to hunt human beings. When a famed hunter named Rainsford falls off a ship and lands on his on Zaroff's island, he is shocked to learn that Zaroff is hunting men. Zaroff comments that the island is known as Ship-Trap Island for a reason, because it's dangerous for ships due to the rocks and stormy seas. "Providence" often sends him ships run around full of sailors to use as "game" for his hunting. However, if he doesn't get any men this way, he can stick his island himself by a system he has devised. He shows Rainsford that he can push a button and lights will blink.
The general chuckled. "They indicate a channel" he said, "where there's none;giant rocks with razor edges crouch like a sea monster with wide-open jaws. They can crush a ship bas easily as I crush this nut."
This demonstrates Zaroff's callousness and cruelty. He is not only willing to kill men, he will also capture them wholesale with a fake light that tell ships it is safe to cross water, when in reality it is not. Zaroff does not just hunt men in a fair game. He quite possibly sends them to their death with his fake safe passage lights.
Zaroff thinks of no one but himself.nHis needs are paramount over everyone else's. If he is bored, that is all that matters. The fact that he laughs shows the depths of his depravity. If he wants to play a game, why not kill or capture men by the dozens and hundreds? What does it matter? He scoffs when Rainsford considers what does murder, and he tells Rainsford he is civilized, but he is nothing but a callous and selfish murder.