Respuesta :

The Mogul Empire declined because of the internal problems and the threats from the outside.

The last Mogul ruler was expelled in 1857 and his post was permanently abolished.


  • The demise of the Mogul Empire, which had already taken place during the Aurangzeb era (1658 - 1707), continued under his immediate successors. In the seven bloody battles for the succession after the death of Aurangzeb, the imperial family showed signs of declining power and influence, and an inability to cope with its weaknesses and create a new order that would allow it to survive.
  • The empire was increasingly decaying, not only because of an unsettled internal situation, but also because of threats coming from outside. During the 18th century, the Hindus revolted against their Islamic rulers, and as this area had always been attractive to foreign invaders, so did the British and French armies fight for domination in India.
  • The city of Delhi in 1803 fell into the hands of the East India Company, a British trading company whose firm position in trade with India was used as the basis of British control of the subcontinent.
  • Although many government affairs were conducted on behalf of the Emperor, the real administration was in the hands of the Britain. Dependent on the goodwill of the British, the Moguls, as the official kings of India, remain on the scene for half a century.

Class: History

Level: Middle school

Keywords: Mogul Empire, Hindus, Britain, Aurangzeb

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