1. Antes
2. Despertarse
3. Bailar.
4. Despertador
5. Entonces
6. Vestirse
"Luego"="later on", "despues"="afterwards", "mas tarde"="later", "entonces"="then", are synonymous but "antes"="before" is an antonym of the other ones
"Maquillarse"="Make up", "cepillarse el pelo"="brushing hair", "peinarse"="comb", "afeitarse"="Shave" describe actions related to personal care. "Despertarse" means "wake up" so it doesn't have to do anything with the rest.
3. "Despertarse"="Wake up, "acostarse"="Go to bed", "levantarse"="Rise up", "dormirse"="go to sleep", basically are actions related to going to sleep or waking up, "bailar" means "dance".
4. "Champu"="Shampoo", "Jabon"="Soap", "maquillaje"="make up", "crema de afeitar"="Shaving cream" are personal care products. "Despertador" means "Alarm clock".
5. "Bañarse"="take a bath", "Lavarse las manos"="handwashing", "cepillarse los dientes"="brush teeth", "ducharse"="take a shower", have to do with your personal hygiene. "Entonces" means "Then".
6. "Pelo"="hair", "dientes"="teeth", "manos"="hands", "cara"=face" are body parts. "Vestirse" means "get dressed"