La palabra diferenteMultiple choice Activity Hide details InstructionsChoose the item that does not belong in each group. September 19 11:59 PM unlimited attempts remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list 226-229 Questions 1. luego después más tarde entonces antes 2. maquillarse cepillarse el pelo despertarse peinarse afeitarse 3. bailar despertarse acostarse levantarse dormirse 4. champú despertador jabón maquillaje crema de afeitar 5. entonces bañarse lavarse las manos cepillarse los dientes ducharse 6. pelo vestirse dientes manos cara

Respuesta :


1. Antes

2. Despertarse

3. Bailar.

4. Despertador

5. Entonces

6. Vestirse



"Luego"="later on", "despues"="afterwards", "mas tarde"="later", "entonces"="then", are synonymous but "antes"="before" is an antonym of the other ones


"Maquillarse"="Make up", "cepillarse el pelo"="brushing hair", "peinarse"="comb", "afeitarse"="Shave" describe actions related to personal care. "Despertarse" means "wake up" so it doesn't have to do anything with the rest.

3. "Despertarse"="Wake up, "acostarse"="Go to bed", "levantarse"="Rise up", "dormirse"="go to sleep", basically are actions related to going to sleep or waking up, "bailar" means "dance".

4. "Champu"="Shampoo", "Jabon"="Soap", "maquillaje"="make up", "crema de afeitar"="Shaving cream" are personal care products. "Despertador" means "Alarm clock".

5. "Bañarse"="take a bath", "Lavarse las manos"="handwashing", "cepillarse los dientes"="brush teeth", "ducharse"="take a shower", have to do with your personal hygiene. "Entonces" means "Then".

6. "Pelo"="hair", "dientes"="teeth", "manos"="hands", "cara"=face" are body parts. "Vestirse" means "get dressed"