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Gun control has been a highly controversial issue in the United States for the past several decades. from assassinations to mass shootings, every time guns and violence come together the issue resurfaces. should the nation act on stricter gun laws and legislation? would new gun laws help or hinder the gun crime rate in the United States? The nation stands divided on the issue; both sides taking a firm stance as to what they believe should be done legislatively with guns.
gun control advocates state that the number off and different types of gunsreason that more guns lead to more gun crime. they cite the extremely tight gun laws in countriessuch as the United kingdom and Japan and compare the gun number to gun violence ratio. The ratio in those countries is nearly 100 times lower than that of the United States with .04 gun related deaths per 100,000 people furthermore, out of the 14 deadliest mass shootings in the world, half of them have been committed in the United States. Even though there are decline in gun related crimes during this '90s they have been on the rise since 2005. currently, the United States ranks 12th out of 112 countries from which the statistics were derived. this equates to nearly 30,000 people a year in the United States dying as a result of firearms. in the past decade there has been three tragic and widely publicized shootings including Colombine, nickel mines, and Virginia tech. and those three shootings alone, 49 people had their lives violently cut short.
the guns involved in those atrocities were "powerful" semi-automatic weapon systems. these kind of weapons are generally regarded as the cause of the high death tolls in those mass shootings. it is being debated whether or not the general public should continue to have legal access to these types of weapons. The second amendment states that the right for Americans to keep and bear arms and shall not be infringed however gun control advocates debate to what extent the amendment covers. The controversy involves the weapons that copy or mimic the nation's military and law enforcement weapons, and whether or not the public should have a legal right to own them. according to gun control supporters, these weapons have only one purpose to kill as many people as possible and asc efficiently as possible.
gun advocates and a firearm owners across America take a much different stance. their belief in the second amendment and what it stands for guarantees.
that should help. :))
The year 1364 was the first reported use of a firearm, and they have been around ever since. They have become bigger, more lethal, and more complicated. Are they lethal, or when the firearms get into the wrong hands do they become lethal and dangerous to society. The Government cannot take away something that only so many people use in the wrong way compared to those millions using them the right way. There is double the amount of guns now then there were in 1968. Existing gun laws should not be changed since the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms, collecting guns from responsible citizens eliminates their ability to protect themselves and their families, they would also lose recreational purposes, and criminals can still find guns on the black market. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of people to keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.”