_______ is a problem that occurs when someone concludes that a change in variable X caused a change in variable Y​ when, in​ fact, it is a change in variable Y that caused a change in variable X.

A) The omitted variable
B) The positive-to-negative relationship
C) Reverse causality
D) Nonlinear slope

Respuesta :


The correct answer that fills the gap is: C) Reverse causality .


It is also considered as a fallacy of incorrect direction, and is committed when a causal relationship between two correlated events is inferred, and it turns out that the effect was taken by the cause, and the cause by the effect. That is, given two events A and B that are always presented together, if it is inferred that A is a cause of B, when in reality B is a cause of A, an incorrect address fallacy is committed.

A historical example is the following: to explain the high correlation between cancer and tobacco, tobacco companies suggested that cancer caused people to smoke to relieve pain.

Another example is that the people of the Middle Ages thought that lice were good because they were not seen in sick people. Head lice can actually cause disease and the reason they were not seen when the disease was visible was that head lice are very sensitive to fever or high temperatures.


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