Respuesta :

Answer: C) On-scene


ICS stand for the incident command system which provides a standard approach to control and coordinate the on-scene emergency. The ICS system is basically used in all the levels of the government and in private sector in an organisation.

A common structure of the ICS system management basically manage, control and coordinate in the organization for communication in the particular sectors.  

This system basically provide 5 major functions that are:

  • Operations
  • Command
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Administration

ICS provides a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of on-scene emergency personnel. ICS is a practical and comprehensive system that is widely employed nationally and globally by governments and the industrial sector to manage emergencies.


ICS is regulated, on the scene, a system of management that is used for all types of emergency and non-emergency occurrences. ICS obeys the "Get Big Quick" principle to ensure plans, people and resources are available as quickly as possible. The implemented ICS prioritizes all emergencies and employed them to set goals for all early response actions.

Working with local first responders, indigenous communities, local authorities, government agencies, and other participating stakeholders is important to manage any emergency or incident. Liaison functions are also included to ensure there are clear communication and coordination with all impacted stakeholders.  

A regular structure of the system management of ICS mainly manages control, and coordinates in the organization for communication in certain fields.  The ICS system is employed to handle an emergency, incident, or a non-emergency event. It can be employed equally well for small and large situations.  

In addition, there are five main ICS management functions:

•    Operations (Doers)

•    Command (Bosses)

•    Planning (Thinkers & Documenters)

•    Logistics (Getters)

•    Finance/Administration (Payers)


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• ICS provides a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of _______ emergency personnel.

KEYWORDS : ICS, On scene emergency personnel, ICS management functions  

Subject  : Social Studies

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : ICS