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Amelia Earhart was an Aviator. Amelia's flying achievements demonstrated powerful to American pilots and pilots of the world alike. By turning into the main lady to cross the Atlantic in a plane, Amelia increased prompt acclaim. She is still recognized as the remarkable female pilot of her time. On October 22, 1922, Amelia Earhart flew her plane to 14,000 feet—the world height record for female pilots. On May 15, 1923, Earhart turned into the sixteenth lady to be issued a pilot's permit by the world administering body for air transportation, The Federation Aeronautique. Amelia's flying achievements demonstrated powerful to American pilots and pilots of the world alike. She was an imaginative motivation inside the Ninety-Nines association, and a boost for womankind to supplant obsolete social standards. She urged ladies to hold quick to their convictions, pursue their hearts, and dependably hope against hope.